Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Risk Assessment

We decided to create a risk assessment to make sure that when we film our music video that we all remain safe. We cannot forsee all possible risks but when they arise then we will create control measures to ensure everyones safety.

Props and Costumes


We have planned the clothes that we are going to wear while filming our music video. We feel that the clothes that we have chosen are simple and because we already own them we can start filming soon. When the video is edited into a vintage style we think that these clothes will suit the effect that we are trying to achieve.

We are not planning to use many props during our music video as the focus will be on what the characters are doing and where they are visiting. Although for some scenes we have decided to use some props to add to the mise en scene. Examples of these are playing cards, an umbrella, an old fashioned camera and money.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Mood board of initial ideas

This is a moodboard showing the different themes of our music video.

There are two themes shown in the images above; the first theme is the characters normal life where the weather may be depressive and a sombre mood created, and the second being the characters life when he thinks about having everything he wants. This is because of the lyrics 'Do you want it all?' where clips of having fun will be used. Current ideas include golf, theme parks, money, beach and barbeques. Our ideas for the depressive mood include sitting on a train with rainy windows and walking along getting soaked.
It is clear from the images above that the happier scenes need to be colourful and where possible the weather should be nice. When the dull mood is being used, the colours should be darker to help the feel come accross to the viewer.

Consent For Use Of Song

We had to email Kitsune Records to ask for permission to use Two Door Cinema Club's song 'Do You Want It All' for our year 13 Media coursework. We had to do this so we covered ourself if any copyright issues were brought up.

Codes and Conventions of a music video

What is a Music Video?

A music video combines lyrics with imagery to promote the artists song. By adding imagery, this makes listening to the music, on sites such as YouTube or Vevo, more enjoyable for the viewers.
Music videos are primarily created as a marketing device, which is intended to promote the sales of the record and to help the artist become well known globally, depending on how successful the video is.

Different genres will depict what is involved in the music video. For example a 'Drum and Bass' song will have fast paced shots without a story to it. Whereas, a song sung buy an artist like 'Adele' will usually have a prevelant story.

Examples of genres within the music industry are:
- Alternative
- Rock
- Pop
- Garage
- Urban Trash Step
- House
- R&B
- Reggae
- Opera
- Dubstep
- Drum 'n' Bass

An example of a music video would be Ed Sheeran – ‘The A-Team’. This music video successfully integrates lyrics and images, whilst staying in sync to the theme of his song.

Throughout this music video, the narrative always matches the imagery shown. For example, at the start of the song it says "white lips, pale face" at this point there is a shot of the girls face out in the cold.

Evaluation of AS blog

Last year we had to make the opening for a thriller movie, making the video and producing a blog which documented our journey through this brand new process. None of us had any real experience in terms of film making so it was a challenging experience for all us. Therefore having a blog turned out to be a very useful tool in our production.

I think we did well in using many different types of media in our blog, which ranged from videos, photos and power points. For example, in our evaluation, we decided to break up having loads of writing otherwise we would not be able to get the highest grade possible.

Our finished project was something we were all pleased with as we put lots of hours into planning, making and editing. 

This first shot is a long shot taken from our thriller. I chose this as one of my favourite from the film as it sets the tone of being watched for the opening. We included a few jump cuts to make the scene more engaging and to show off our editing skills.

This extreme close up of a foot was one of the hardest to film as we had to get the foot in the exact place to make the shot work, so this took quite a few attempts. After we got this shot filmed, we then had to edit it to go in slow motion as this was how we story boarded it. It slowed down the speed of the chase scene momentarily as to not confuse the viewers and give them a quick rest. This was the hardest to edit as we had to get the whole leg and foot in slow motion but still keep the video in HD quality.

Here is an example of one of the shots in the chase scene, we were pleased how well we managed to get the rapid editing to work, but there are some faults with it. The colours on a few shots are a bit too dark and you can't see the character too clearly. We also tried hard not to make our chase scene too cliché, but this was hard as we did not have much experience.

Some of the weaknesses we had included the speed of our posts. Sometimes we would do several posts within a week; this could be about one a day, then we would end up only doing one a week, and sometimes none. Therefore I think our consistency is our biggest challenge, because if we stay consistent, the whole process will become easier and we will come out with a better score.
This year we have a great opportunity to improve on the high grades we got last year, by ensuring we have consistency, dedication and creativity, this year will be no different.

Above is a wordle based on the common words that appeared in some of our blog posts last year.