Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Ancillary Task - Analysis Of Final Magazine Design

This is our final design for the magazine advert that will be featured in NME Magazine. By implementing a specific concept, this allowed us to expand our ideas and create an advert that fits well with our genre, the existing band and the song we have chosen to make a music video for.

The basic idea was developed from 'Two Door Cinema Clubs' album cover, which is the cat. We discussed how we were going to include a cat on the advert and came to the conclusion of having a cat flipped over and put next to the original image. By doing this, it almost looks as though there is a doorway in the middle of the cats paws. This co-insides with the artists name 'Two Door Cinema Club' - Two cats, with a door in the middle of the picture.

When choosing our text, we had to consider whether or not whether we wanted it to stand out from the picture, or fit around the picture. We decided to have the artists name as bold as possible in order to stand out and get the band name noticed when in a magazine such as NME. We agreed that black would be the best colour for the artists name and that white would be best for the other information. This will allow consumers to differentiate between band and song name. The songs title is also in block capitals. This allows consumers to recognise the song that the band is promoting easily. A quote was put into the design as a promotion technique. Consumers will look to see what other institutions rate their product as and this can form an opinion about the product, for the consumer. It makes the advert look more professional and adds a finishing touch to the design.

Finally, the logos we placed onto the advert make it look authentic. We put the bands record label onto the design in order to promote the label and the other artists associated with them. 'HMV' is there to show where the single can be purchased. The website is there to promote the band online. Consumers are able to visit the bands website in order to stay in contact with them, stay up to date with band news and find out where tickets are available to buy for their gigs.

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