Monday, October 17, 2011

Intended Audience

Importance of the audience
To create an effective music video, it is important that you make it according to the target audience to ensure that it will be suitable for viewers. The audience are imporant to institutions that create music videos because it is them that will be possibly purchasing the music and they must therefore like it.
Without an audience to aim a video at, it is hard to design and create a video that will be effective. We have decided upon an Indie/Alternative style of music and therefore are aiming our video at older teenage indie males. Knowing this will help keep the development of our video on track and will determine the use mise en scene, cinematography, editing and sound to create a successful music video.

Social grade scale

A     Upper middle class                 Higher managerial, administrative or professional
B     Middle class                           Intermediate managerial, administrative or professional
C1   Lower middle class                  Supervisory or clerical and junior managerial, administrative or professional
C2  Skilled working class               Skilled manual workers
D    Working class                         Semi and unskilled manual workers
E    Casual or lowest grade workers, pensioners and others who depend on the welfare state for their income

Socio economic values

Maslows Hierarchy of Needs

I have created a simple version of Maslows Hierarcy of needs. This shows how people work their way up the triangle in stages and very few people make it to the top where they feel that they have achieved their goals.

Example character profile

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